Tuesday, March 3, 2009

with a little luck.. ♣

there are some things i'd like to accomplish before i, well, die.
i want to...
1. travel from one end of canada to the other with someone i love and my camera to keep me company. and by travel i mean get a van and drive the whole way.
2. learn spanish
3. make a difference in someone's life
4. have one of my pictures published in a reputable magazine or newspaper
5. publish a book either with my photography or with my writting
6. go ice fishing, up in the northern part of quebec
7. tear down the walls i've built around myself
8. take a road trip - with no particular destination in mind
9. tell someone how i really feel
10. take a photography class
11. go dancing with my best friend
12. visit a stripcLub
13. take a photography class
14. swim in the ocean
15. try sushi
16. drive to new orleans for mardi gras
17. go camping, in a tent
18. drive the length of route 66
19. try skiing, or snowboarding
20. walk the entire west edmonton mall
21. try a jaegerbomb
22. one word : VEGAS
23. karaoke
24. keep my car clean for more than a week
25. take pictures from the top of a mountain
26. kiss in the rain
27. write a letter to my parents to let them know how much they mean to me
28. learn to skateboard
29. use my french as more than an excuse when i don't say things properly
30. go back to europe, with my camera
31. learn to roll a good joint
32. spend a day without worrying
33. learn to speak italian
34. have a beer in ireland
35. set foot on all seven continents
36. visit a real blues bar in chicago
37. go swimming with sharks
38. participate in the carnival, in brazil
39. learn to tango, in argentina
40. try surfing
41. go scuba diving in the great barrier reef
42. volunteer in a third world country for a couple weeks
43. visit the nile
44. photograph an endangered species in it's natural habitat
45. fall deeply in love - helplessly and unconditionally
46. go to burning man
47. teach english in a foreign country
48. attend the olympics
49. oktoberfest
50. tell someone my life story, without sparring any details
51. plant a tree
52. ride the trans-siberian express across rusia
53. shower in a waterfall
54. sleep under the stars
55. spend a whole day reading a classic novel
56. drive the autobahn
57. overcome my fear of failure
58. give to charity - anonymously
59. kiss the blarney stone
60. visit the concentrations camp sites in germany, and learn of true suffering
61. learn my family tree
62. learn to flair bartend
63. ride in a gondola in venice
64. take a ferrari for a test drive
65. see the northern lights
66. touch an iceberg
67. have a food fight
68. steal a street sign, preferably the one in welland that says "speed hump" but anyone will do.
69. visit the great wall of china
70. pick up and move to another city just to start over again
71. sell my artwork (ie. photography) to a stranger, for a profit
72. hike to the bottom of the grand canyon
73. fire a riffle or a shotgun
74. go on an african photo safari
75. walk down abbey road
76. see area 51
77. see the holy land
78. climb an active volcano
79. fly first class
80. see rent on broadway
81. watch the sunrise on a mountain
82. touch the pyramids
83. tell someone i love them - and mean it
84. send my parents on a second honeymoon
85. read a book every week
86. run a marathon
87. learn archery
88. let go of the past
89. learn about my family's history - the secrets
90. sit on a jury
91. own one very expensive purse
92. spend christmas on the beach drinking tropical drinks
93. go up in a hot air balloon
94. go deep sea fishing
95. visit the taj mahal
96. smoke in a cafe in amsterdam
97. go white water rafting
98. kiss a complete stranger on new year's eve
99. swim in the dead sea

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