Saturday, March 28, 2009

baby , when you come around it ain't no good

dear life ,

stop throwing me curve balls . stop making miss people i shouldn't be missing . make my mommy talk to me . that's all i want for now .

xox , me

k . so anyways , life actually hasn't been horrendous . i had a blast last night , so going out with my best friend acting like a total idiot , sometimes , that's all i need to improve my moood ♥ . so i went to see a haunting in conneticut , wow , probably not my best idea , i'm not even joking when i say that i watched a good 75% of the movie through my fingers , yeah i'm that lame . even though you know exactly when they plan on scaring you , it never fails to make me jump and have a mild heart attack .

highlights of my night ;

un . trying to understand the lady that did my nails , i felt so bad , but it was such a one sided conversation on her end , half the stuff she said i didn't understand .

deux . the wait staff at boston pizza knows us . lame . i actually feel bad for the guy that served us last night though , i'm pretty sure everytime he came by our table we were talking about something completely inappropriate . such as a. bodily functions b. lame boys c. sex stories of some sort

trois . as we are leaving boston pizza , i - being the idiot that i am - scan the restaurant , notice a familiar looking face , turn to sam and go "hey isn't that the guy from street pharmacy ?" sam , stares at him for about 3O seconds , he turns looks at us , "yeah it is" we burst out laughing like a bunch of 16 year old girls , and proceed to make a run for it

quatre . sam making a new friend , all by herself , i was so proud . even if she made the friend by talking smack on some random 15 year olds in skirts that barely covered their goodies .

six . complaining about the bitch that got us our popcorn , dude really , their is no need to be a bitch , when for once , we weren't being mean to you . fuck you ginger , fuck you .

sept . having multiple minor heart attacks during the movie , lame . hahah

love ♥

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