Monday, March 23, 2009


i'm finally starting to feel better , thank god. this whole being sick thing isn't for me , i can't deal with having a raspy voice , and a cough that makes me sound like i smoke a pack a day.

so i'm really broke, it's not even a joke anymore , it's actually a serious problem , and VDT at work is totally ruining my life. i mean really, when you offer me twelve times in an hour if i want to leave, eventually my resolve is going to crack and i'm going to leave. this is an ongoing issue, and my bank account is definetly paying for it. but i don't usually go home when i leave early , i find something else to do with my time haha.
last night i spent a few hours just chillen' with tania, i swear i love this girl to death, like so glad that i meet her and that we've become friends. because i can totally relate to her when it comes to boys , and we just generally have a sweet time together. last night we sat around, google-d a bunch of really random things, talked about how much we both want to marry kap ♥ and how bad hair / shoes are deff. deal breakers. and then i went and hung out with scott for a bit, sat around watched tv, nothing exciting.

but i've come to realised that i'm actually pretty lame , i don't really go out because i have no money, even when i stay at work for my whole shift i am so insanely in debt that going out isn't an option, and on top of that i work until 11:OOpm on saturday nights, and most of the time my mother is so worried about me driving home that she doesn't want me going out after that lame.
and the rest of my week is usually consumed with piles of school work and work, and laundry that i've allowed to grow to monstrous piles in both my room and car.

thing is , i don't really mind being lame.
♥ love.

ps. i feel like i've finally kind of found a reality that i'm enjoying, and it's my own reality. weird.

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