Friday, March 13, 2009

ps. boy update ( :

ps : seen that boy today, we're still friends, it doesn't feel as though things have really changed and so far, i can't say that the other night wasn't a mistake. (k. for you pervs..i didn't sleep with him, i just kissed a really good friend) i mean, if we can still be friends, and not let shit change.. that would be fantastic, because honestly, right now... i do NOT want a relationship, i kinda just want to have some fun.. haha, and i want to keep him as a friend, yeah i know i want to have my cake and eat it too, whatever... 

pss : this boy often times reminds me allot of another boy that i've let hurt me time and time again, maybe that's why i'm able to seperate my emotions. who knows? i wonder how long that will last though, because it's totally out of character for me. whatevs. i have enough to worry about without adding this to the growing list.

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