Tuesday, March 31, 2009

let's stop playing hide and seek now , k ?

where are you ?

* doesnt mind my lame jokes
* thinks that i look good with no makeup and / or shower
* doesnt mind that on my days off i would rather sit around and read in pyjamas then go out
* can deal with the fact that my bestfriend can sometimes be a bitch , i love her so get over it
* will spend a whole day in bed cuddling
* doesnt think that its lame , or doesnt tell me that he thinks its lame , that i am addicted to tv on dvd
* will drive my car , because frankly driving is lame , and i spend too much time doing this
* doesnt argue with me when i feel like paying , i have an independent streak, mk?
* doesnt make me feel like a spoiled princess
* calls me just to hear my voice
* thinks that its cute when i say things in french because i cant think of the right word in english
* knows where to find me when im trying to hide from the world
* understands that my camera is sometimes the one thing that keeps me sane
* doesnt make fun of the lame music that i listen too
* thinks its cute that i know the words to most of the rap songs on cds in my car
* understands that i am insecure in relationships , and doesn't make me feel bad / guilty about it
* doesnt feel the need to check in all the time
* watches lame tv shows with me , hello ; reaper , antm , one tree hill ?
* thinks that its cute when i stutter
* doesnt think that its lame that i have a journal and a blog
* knows what program im taking at school , but doesnt push the fact that i have no idea what i want to do with my life
* knows what bestfriend & i order at boston pizza
* does cute random things , seriously the little things are 1OOx more important than the big things
* knows that i dont eat red meat , except on pizza and bacon
* remembers that i dont particularly enjoy pop unless im sick
* knows that im crazy claustrophobic and that large big groups of people intimidate me
* understands that when i met new people i get really nervous and dont do much talking
* doesnt push the fact that im not very assertive
* gets that i dont talk about my problems unless i absolutely have to
* realises that when i call him crying i dont need him to say anything, i just need to talk to someone, also appreciates that i have trusted him enough to actually call him in a state of weakness
* doesnt expect me to be all open right away, ive been hurt a few times now, and for some reason i dont let many people in
* doesnt let my sarcasm scare him away

i dont think im being too picky , well i probably am . which probably explains allot


ps. reaper is on , i would totally date the son of the devil , sam that is , he's a sweetheart .

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