Wednesday, February 25, 2009

and watch that colorado sunrise

another day, another ... i don't know.
back to school today, i've been on break for almost two weeks, and i could certainly get used to not having to drag my ass out of bed before noon everyday to listen to some boring prof drone on about plant genetics, sorry, it's boring.

break was kind of a mess though, i don't know how reading week turned into what it was, i was supposed to go to montreal, but thank you car accident and insurance company, i had to buy a new car a month ago and am far too broke to even consider travel. it would have been nice to get away from everything for a little bit. i feel like i haven't been able to escape the insanity that my day to day life has become in the past oh 4 months.

and i feel like i whine too much, like i can't take anything in stride.
maybe i take things too personally, and i assume the worse of people, i don't know.

i suppose that is all for now.

ps. totally going to m.island today with my camera, maybe i will get some sweet shots to put up in the (futur) apartment.

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