Monday, February 9, 2009

.. 25.

UN. i've been told on more than one occasion that i am too nice for my own good.
DEUX. i'm am deathly afraid of loosing the people that are close to me
TROIS. i've been through quite a bit, but i'd rather not talk about it, it just brings back memories that i've tried to repress
QUATRE. i used to run from my problems, i'm trying to avoid doing that
CINQ. i have no tolerance for stupid drama, seriously, grow up
SIX. i use the fact that i'm french as an excuse for almost everything, but i'd like for it to be more than that
SEPT. their are allot of secrets within my family, i'm not entirely sure i want to know them all
HUIT. i absolutely adore starbucks, it's an addiction
NEUF. most nights i would rather stay at home with a good book than go out.
DIX. most people don't really know me, i'm not sure i want them to
ONZE. my best friend, means the world to me, honestly, i love her to death
DOUZE. i can usually learn things really quickly, however, when i don't get something right away it drives me nuts, i'm liable to give up.
TREIZE. i'm finally starting to find some kind of balance between the person i used to be, the person i want to be and the person that i am
QUATORZE. in september i probably would have told you that kelsey's was my favourite restaurant, but after one fatefull night with my best friend, and some bomb garlic twists, i would now have to say that boston pizza is rigth up there
QUINZE. music is my life, honestly, i can pretty much find a song to fit everyone of my moods.
SEIZE. i love surprising people with the music that i have playing in my car, i have gotten more than one double take when people see/hear me listening to metal.
DIX-SEPT. i'm scared to let people down.
DIX-HUIT. i'm sick of feeling not good enough
DIX-NEUF. one tree hill is my favourite show in the entire world, i have all five seasons on dvd.
VINGT. my french teacher at brock is a serious thorn in my side and i have considered punching her in the face for all the frustration that i have to endure in her class
VINGT ET UN. i will go out and drink on occasion, but it's not really my style, i don't enjoy large crowds of people.
VINGT-DEUX. stupid slutty girls at clubs piss me off, really, no one likes you sit down, don't dance on the table, and please have a touch of class.
VINGT-TROIS. it seems like everytime i start to get over something, or decide that it's time to move on, their is some reminder as to why i shouldn't get on with my life.
VINGT-QUATRE. i've pretty much had a car since i got my license, if i didn't have a car i would loose any sanity that i have.
VINGT-CINQUE. i love just going out for pointless rides in my car, i can think about things that way without all the distractions that life normally presents me with.

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