Monday, April 13, 2009

this is probably the best , not to mention the worst idea that i have ever had .

so it's one thirty in the morning , and i am wide awake . thank you starbucks .

i can't wait to go away , i mean , i haven't left the general niagara region in almost three years now . and i think i need a vacation more than anything else right now . it will be nice to run away for a week , or even a couple days . but i hate that i feel like i need to run away from my problems , whatever - maybe it's exactly what i need right now , to run away . i have a feeling it's exactly what i need , i know this because for some reason the idea of moving away from here completely has been kind of predominant lately , i mean how easy would it be to just move to the other side of the country , start all over . not have people that have expectations around ?

BC sounds good to me , i think that would be remote enough ? ugh . i don't think that it's something that i'd be able to do though , just pick up and leave . the freedom though , to be on my own with no one to fall back on , would probably be terrifying .

i wonder if i could find someone to go on this adventure with me ? i'm sure there is a good school in BC where i could finish my degree , and the photography ♥ , i would die to be able to get some shots out there .

as if i would ever have the courage to pack up and leave . it's nice to dream though .

love ♥ ♥

ps . entourage is my new love , as is southland .

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