Saturday, April 11, 2009

if you promise not to push it then i will hold you tight ,

so i guess it was inevitable , it's exam , i'm stressed , to be honest i'm surprised i've lasted this long without a complete meltdown . no joke , i usually have to write , oh i'd say one exam , and then i freak out because of one small thing , well this time around i actually managed to write two before i had my biannual complete meltdown , i almost made it to three , but i was on my way to my exam when this went down .

yeah , it was pretty sweet cried the whole way from welland to st catharines , makeup running down my face , it was lovely . in retrospect it reminds me of the one dane cook skit , the crying one , ironically i think he jokes about the vehicle being a blue honda ? which is what i drive . oh lord .

love ♥

ps . i'm fucking bored as hell . however , i am stoked to get my huuurrr did on wednesday ( :
goodbye nasty roooots , hello blondie ready for a serious vacay , with lots of alcohol .

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