Saturday, May 9, 2009

i need you tonight ,

so it's been a while since i've updated , and by a while i clearly mean like forever . 

life has been decent lately , which is nice . dominican was amazing , seriously i would totally move there if i could . i can honestly see myself opening up a photography company down there and doing like weddings and family portraits at resorts and such . that would so be the life for me , i mean really , i would be able to go to the beach anytime i want , i would be able to capitalize on my photography , ahhh i think i know what i want to do with my life . hahah . in a couple years maybe . hmmm... well i can dream right ?

and speaking of dominican , wow , seriously , i cannot get over how beautiful it was there , honest to goodness , like white beaches , clear water , palm trees , well at least on the resort . off the resort not so much , which made me very thankful for everything that i have . 

oh and running away from problems ? yeah doesn't work , the niagara region seems to be able to find me no matter where i chose to run away to , what the shit is up with people from high school staying at the same resort as me ? really , their are like 6OO resorts along that beach and you pick the same one i'm at ? LAME ! 

OH ! most important , those dominican boys can dance , and i don't mean dance like the boys around here "dance" , i mean DANCE , ugh . for real , find me a boy that can dance like that and i am down . 

on that note , boys , there is fuck all going on , and i'm ohk with that in one sense , but in another sense not so much . lame , right ? yeah i know . i want that comfort of knowing that i have someone to cuddle with , you know ? someone that i can call crying , and it won't matter . but then on the other hand i don't want to deal with letting someone in the way you have to in a relationship , it's such a conundrum .

GOOD NEWS : back to sherkston on thursday , that actually makes me so insanely happy . i love it there , and i don't think summer would be the same without the stupidity and insanity that is my second family . i'm going back for my third summer this year and i know allot of things have changed , and quite a few people aren't planning on coming back , but i still can't imagine summer without sherkston anymore , it just wouldn't be right . 

i'm such a scatterbrain lately and this is probably all over the place and makes absolutely no sense . but it's been a while and it's 3:OO am . so give me a break. mk ?

love ♥

ps . i now have two babby bunnies that my sister and i have adopted , pancakes & waffles . and they are probably the cutest things in the whole world . 
pss . please , please , please don't text me because you have drugs to sell , congratulations , but i don't need to know , i worry too much , still . (somethings will never change) k , thanks ?

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