Saturday, May 16, 2009

hit me up i got ya' man .

so this week has been kind of boring, i mean i worked sat, sun, mon at sitel nothing new there. spent the day in the sun on tues & wednesday, i refuse to lose my tan, i love having one and now that it's dark i pretty well just need to maintain it. thursday i went back to sherkston, oh lord, being there totally reminded me of last summer and all the insane adventures we would have, and trust me we had some pretty crazy times there.

yesterday i worked aswell, but everyone else was actually there too, oh man, i remembered how much i love my summer family. i swear to god, neesh, my sister, the vasko's, kristen i love them all. three or four people that i have spent the past two summers with aren't coming back this summer, and things are going to be different but i'm sure we will find a way to have a fantastic summer regardless. 

enough about my love for my job...

i feel like i got no sleep last night, fo' real. and that's totally going to fuck me over tonight when i have to work until 11. this working two jobs is going to ruin my life, especially seeing as one job requires me to get up extremely early and the second job has me working until 12. ugh, but last night i'm pretty sure it's my cell phone that woke me up,  i usually leave the damn thing on silent, and i must have forgotten to turn the volume down before i went to bed, fuck bad idea. either way i got a text at 2:15 in the morning, first of all WTF are you doing texting me at 2:15 in the morning, unless it's life or death.. or good gossip from tania that is inexcusable.  second of all, what are YOU doing texting me anyways? 

things like this make me hate my life hahah . but whatever, i didn't get the message until 3 in the morning because my stupid phone decided it would be a good idea to beep at me until i acknowledged that i had a message.  i think i answered the text ? i honestly cannot be sure though, because right after i deleted them and tried, to no avail, to go back to sleep. ugh.

love ♥

ps. i need to give up on watching tv series, because i can't even seem to watch my favorite ones every week, i have no idea what is going on with reaper, and i haven't watched any episodes of GG this season. 

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