Wednesday, October 21, 2009

you're a touch overrated;

it's hard to explain how you can not be surprised by the way a situation has panned out - but still be disappointed.

i think i've discovered that i'm actually a closet optimist, as much as i'd like to believe otherwise - i think that people are good, and that they have honest intentions. AS IF. for real though, of the people that have come and gone from my life in the past year i can't really say that any of them have really cared i guess. Because more often than not they left as fast as they came.

at this point i can't even blame this whole thing on naivety because really - it's happened one too many times, after the first time i should've known. but i guess i don't learn my lessons as quickly as i should. i don't know where i'm going with this; or even if what i've learned is really going to make a difference next time i'm faced with choosing whether or not to believe in the best of people.. we will see i suppose.

(knowing me; i'm just going to keep making the same mistakes over and over again - i'm a little kid like that, i know that sticking my finger in the outlet is going to hurt, but for some reason i keep doing it. werd)


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