Monday, February 8, 2010

... brrr

i'm starting off with a rant, because right now i'm sitting at brock (not) enjoying my six hour break. and it is fucking freezing, I mean really, with the amount of money my parents pay this place in tuition you would think they could at least keep the buildings at a decent temperature, nope. Not here, it's fucking cold.

Anyways. Other than that, life is pretty solid. Listening to Down With Webster, working on essays. I can't believe how well things are going right now, and it scares me to say that, because every time I do, something bad comes out of it. But whatever, what is the point of things going well if I can't enjoy them? hm.

love <3

ps. i wish i was where you are.
god damn.
didn't think this was going to happen again.
hmmm... boy situation = zero
still.. c'mon really? i still say that i'm not asking for much.

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