Wednesday, August 25, 2010

oh hay;

it's birthday week which inevitably means trouble & lots of it...

the count so far...

1 limo with 11 awesome people
1 blue jays with with 14 of my favorite people in the world
2 throw ups
2 pain pills
2 gravol
3 birthday cakes
1 trip to wendys
1 4O' of jagermeister gone
20 cans of red rain done
? countless jagerbombs
1 tumble down the stairs
? countless bruises
1 ongoing drama fest
? countess sing-a-longs
a couple tears
2 new bottles of jager
1 4O' of vodka
1 6O' of vodka

all this and my birthday isn't over yet
i love my life <3

Friday, July 9, 2010

fuck you;

i feel like an idiot
and i need to cry in the worst possible way

fuck you;

Sunday, July 4, 2010

with eyes wide open...

it's funny how many times I almost fell for you;
how many times I almost believed that you were going to change;

things like this make me so glad that I trust my instincts more than my own heart..

it's funny how things end up in the end.

I just can't believe you are using the same lines, having the same arguments and pulling the same crap that you did with me - with her. thank god she's smarter than me, I hope to hell she doesn't even come as close as I did for falling for you.. I hope she doesn't have to cry over you like I did..

this is my friend, a good friend, that you are playing games with.. I could never bring myself to trust you the way you wanted me too. and now you're lying about the same things to her..

if only people could really see...

you need to get your shit together more than anyone else I know. . .

i need to go for a drive & a tan...
it's one of these kinds of days.

this makes me dislike you more than anything else you've ever done to me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

summer 2O1O

so I've decided that rather than date stupid boys this summer I'm going to do something productive, I feel like I've been slacking on reading lately. For real, I'm usually the type of person who can go through about a book a week, but I haven't actually read a book in ages, so the mission for this summer is to read a book a week.. not just any book though, I want to read books that will actually influence the type of person that I am.

So here it is; summer reading list 2O1O

1. Catcher in the rye; J.D Salinger
2. Great Expectations; Charles Dickins
3. Alice in wonderland; Lewis Caroll
4. Night; Elie Wiesel
5. Les Miserables; Victor Hugo
6. Flowers for Algernon; Daniel Keyes
7. The Odyssey; Homer
8. Atlas Shrugged; Ayn Rand
9. The Last Lecture; Randy Pausch
10. Go Ask Alice; Anonymous
11. Interview With A Vampire; Anne Rice
12. Into The Wild; Jon Krakauer
13.The Bell Jar; Sylvia Plath

well here's hoping...

so far I haven't done to well with my summer reading list; I've read 3 of the 13 books are we are now in July.

-Catcher in the Rye was amazing.. I may have fallen for H.Caufield I like damaged people.
-Flowers for Algernon was a phenomenal book that I would recommend to anyone. It really makes you appreciate the small things in life.
-Go Ask Alice touched me as much as Nikki Sixx's heroin diaries, hard drugs scare me more than anything else in the world.

That's not to say I haven't read other books this summer but I need to get this reading list done, and stop worrying about the soap opera that my life has turned into.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

conversation of the week.

b.humphrey & k.seguin

"be my valentine?"
"thanks.. but no thanks"
"i don't take rejection well, so i'm going to take that as a 'yes'"

so basically this is how I ended up with a "valentine"... so i have a valentine, without all the added advantages of having one.. no chocolate, no flowers, no dinner, nothing.

love <3
ps. I don't even believe in Valentine's day

Monday, February 8, 2010

... brrr

i'm starting off with a rant, because right now i'm sitting at brock (not) enjoying my six hour break. and it is fucking freezing, I mean really, with the amount of money my parents pay this place in tuition you would think they could at least keep the buildings at a decent temperature, nope. Not here, it's fucking cold.

Anyways. Other than that, life is pretty solid. Listening to Down With Webster, working on essays. I can't believe how well things are going right now, and it scares me to say that, because every time I do, something bad comes out of it. But whatever, what is the point of things going well if I can't enjoy them? hm.

love <3

ps. i wish i was where you are.
god damn.
didn't think this was going to happen again.
hmmm... boy situation = zero
still.. c'mon really? i still say that i'm not asking for much.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

the next couple days...

1. gym
2. work @ sherkston
3. endless readings; makes me rethink changing my major to english. FML
4. sleep
5. class

i pretty much have no time for anything/anybody.
i hate my life.

love <3

Monday, January 25, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010


so i'm so over stupid high school drama, i mean c'mon i'm twenty years old and these stupid games are just that.

i was finally started to feel like things were falling back into place, for the first time in years i feel like things are going right for me. i'm getting along with my parents, i have the important people in my life that need to be there, i'm back at the gym (every day), and school is going as well as it can be going.

love <3

ps. still no boy situation, this is getting lame. i just want to cuddle. FML

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


my life currently consists of :
1. school
2. gym
3. P90X
4. homework

someone save me?