Saturday, December 13, 2008


ONE: i'm terrified that eventually i am going to push him away so much, that he will just give up and not come back.
TWO: i hate asking for things because it makes me feel like i'm not accomplishing anything
THREE: i miss the days when i could trust people without second guessing it
FOUR: i don't believe in regrets, because i've learned so much from my past.
FIVE: i've put up so many walls, and now that i want to tear them down, i don't even know where to start.
SIX: i miss him, everyday
SEVEN: i almost never feel good enough
EIGHT: i can attach allot of sentimental value to songs, i still can't listen to certain songs without crying. and most songs make me think of when i heard them the first time.
NINE: i don't sleep at night, because in the dark my worries are far too clear to deal with
TEN: i love my bestfriend/futur roomie, because our friendship has grown so much over the past couple months.
ELEVEN: if i don't know you, i'm probably going to be very sarcastic, it's not because i'm mean, it's because being nice would mean that i wouldn't have that bitting humour to save me.
TWELVE: i hate receiving gifts, i would much rather give them.
THIRTEEN: i miss some of the simplicity of high school however i dont miss fake friends and pointless drama
FOURTEEN: i wouldn't do anything differently.
FIFTEEN: i'm working on not being bitter, and not blaming anyone else for who i have become, but it's not easy
SIXTEEN: i want to travel the world, but i always want to be able to come home..

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